Lake Parish Council apologises for the closure of the Revetment/Promenade Public Toilets, despite our best efforts to provide a temporary solution for the summer season, whilst a replacement pump is commissioned (with a provisional cost estimate in excess of £15,000).

NB The original, purpose built, pump is over 25 years old and was part of the building when the IW Council closed the Public Toilets, with the Parish Council deciding to maintain the servicing of the amenity; and the pump was damaged following this year’s cliff fall, as well as individuals placing inappropriate materials in the toilets.

The Parish Council has worked with the Local Authority as Land Owners, our Insurers, and potential contractors, to try and provide a solution for the summer – unfortunately, it has not been possible, due to health & safety and other factors, to agree to the siting of a portable generator on the Revetment/Promenade, with consequent Insurance issues.

Therefore, without the permission of the landowner to site a generator, the Parish Council, within its limited resources, is in the process of commissioning a new pump, as well as other engineering repairs and maintenance, as soon as possible.

The nearest public toilets are at Hope Road (Shanklin), Pier Street (Sandown), and on the Cliff Top at Lake Cliff Gardens (Lake).

Apologies again for the current situation, which is beyond the control of the Parish Council, and we hope the proposed solution will enable the Toilets to be re-opened later this year.